Back in August of 2005 we adopted a very sweet, adult cocker spaniel from a shelter. We were told he was between 5 and 7, but we're pretty sure he was much older. His name was Sam and he was Grace's dog. She decided he should be called Samuel Adams (it was canoe carnival time and that involves a lot of Sam Adams...and Coors Light...and Corona...and...) and that's what he became.
Sam was a pain in the neck most of the time...he had to relearn a lot of things that he had forgotten with his previous owners. Important things like how to go to the bathroom outside and how not to steal food. He did pretty well with the first, but not so great with the second. But, we loved him anyway and he became a part of the family.
Over the past few days, we'd seen a serious decline in his health. He had developed tremors, which were getting worse. He had a cancerous tumor on his face, which had broken through the skin and was getting larger. He developed a horrible cough and couldn't keep food down. So, once again the decision had to be made. He was in pain and suffering, so I took him this morning to be put to sleep.
Sam, thanks for being part of our lives for the past three years...we're going to miss you.
I'm so very sorry, Carolyn. My heart goes out to you and your family. Now it's very evident to me why you are feeling blue. So sad. But know that you gave him more love these past years than his little heart could have ever hoped for.
very sorry to hear about sam's passing. dogs are important in our lives. i don't know how i would get through my own trials and tribulations with out that slobbery mess of a golden retriever that only knows three things - he loves swimming, food, and me
Oh Carolyn, I'm so sorry. Isn't it amazing how, in such a short time, animals can become such a large part of our lives?
It's so very difficult when we have to say goodbye to a member of the family. I'm sad with you.
Oh, Carolyn, I'm so sorry to hear about your Sam. :`o( Huggles.
How sad you must feel - just try to remember the very good life you were able to offer Sam. It's easy to see that he was a happy fella. You'll be in my thoughts.
Oh Carolyn I am so sad for you...they sure become a very special part of our lives...keep all the good memories close at hand. I'm sending you good thoughts.
(((((Hugs)))))) Anyone who has loved a pet knows the pain you are experiencing. I'm so sorry.
What a beautiful dog. I bet if he could have spoken, he would have thanked you for caring and loving him.
Hugs to you and your family for accepting an older dog into your lives.
i am so sorry to hear this news...i never thought i would fall in love with an animal but i have fallen in love with my daughter's dog and i cannot imagine not having Autumn in my life. HUGS for you!
I'm sorry for your loss. I miss my Sam to this very day and he has been gone 14 years now.
I am so sorry about Sam. I am so glad he had three great years with your family - and I am happy you enjoyed him as well.
Losing a pet is heartbreaking. Been there so many times.
Maybe a new baby will come your way to give you more happiness.
I am so sorry about Sam. My heart goes out to you. I was never a dog person until my son got his dog and I fell in love with him. I can't imagine life without Brady now.
I hope your trip to Providence is all you hope it to be. My DH is working very close to Providence right now and he said there is color there so I think you will be pleased.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I am going through the same thing with a rescue that has been with us for 15 yrs now, and no matter how old they are I don't think it is ever easy. A vet friend of mine told me that she has never seen people (who love their animal) put it down too soon. Just remember you gave him a wonderful life, and he will be waiting for you when its your time to pass. Hugs, -Laura
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