We're back from Virginia and now I'm done all my traveling for the summer! We had a wonderful time visiting the University of Mary Washington. It's a beautiful school and Fredericksburg is a delightful little town! Thanks Jen for the advice...we did have lunch at Sammy T's and it was delicious. However we opted for gelato instead of ice cream...we'll try Carl's next time we're down.

We're planning to head back down in the fall so she can get a feel for the campus when there are students around. UMW is definitely at the top of her list right now!

As for what summer will bring, I'm not sure! I have a lot of customer quilts to finish, a few of my own that I'd like to have done and I found a cute pattern for a cable knit scarf that I'd like to make for the winter. Add in the prayer shawls that I'm making (I started a crocheted, triangular scarf last night...it's going fast!), doctor's appointments and all of the normal, day to day stuff and I can see summer will go much too quickly for my liking! :o) But it's filled with opportunities....
What a beautiful school. It just looks like a place where learning happens. I think it would be a joy to attend, and can understand why it's at the top of her list.
Carolyn, it's hard to believe that your little is getting ready for college!! I think I 'met' her when she was in 1st or 2nd grade! UMW sounds like a great place!
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