Last night I finished my first prayer shawl. I totally enjoyed knitting it and can't wait to get another one on my needles. It was so relaxing to make this and I know that it will be greatly appreciated by the lady here in town who will receive it. The pattern was simple and I only messed it up in one spot. Of course I didn't find it until it was completely finished, fringe and all! If quilters make humility blocks for their quilts, do knitters make humility rows? :o)
How beautiful, Carolyn! It will surely wrap a woman with warmth and care.
It's a beautiful color - looks warm just to see it. I doubt that the recipient will ever know there's a mistake in it! I know I'd never notice!
It's so pretty and I'm sure it will be loved by the recipient.
Did you use Homespun yarn? I tried to see if you knotted your fringe. That was a tip I'd read in my Prayer Shawl book because the Homespun yarn doesn't fringe that well.
I think I told you that I made one last year but kept it for myself.
I was wrapped up in it a couple weeks ago on a cool night sitting on my balcony and thinking how nice they are.
I ordered enough yarn for 2 shawls after reading about your knitting them. I haven't started one yet but I plan to soon.
I have yet to make one of these - yours is so pretty and I'm sure the lady you made it for will love it and probably won't even notice the humility stitches :-)
Lovely, I'm sure she will appreciate it.
It's beautiful and sure to be used and appreciated.
Beautiful prayer shawl. I'm sure she will love and appreciate all that you put into it.
Beautiful! I'm sure that the mistake will never even be noticed. The color is just yummy, and I love that homespun yarn. My Mom makes them with the homespun too, and they are so nice and cuddly.
What a lovely project. Once I learn to knit (I'm in the process now) well enough to actually make something, I think I would enjoy trying this one.
Lovely! And, if you did all that knitting with only 1 mistake - wow, I am impressed! It looks sooo soft and cuddly in the photo.
It is absolutely beautiful -- I doubt anyone but you will notice any humility rows!
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