I loved the strippy set of this quilt...so simple yet so beautiful. Love the cheddar!
This one was made to commemorate a visit to Notre Dame in Paris. Stunning!
The show was very nice, the quilts were beautiful, especially the display of antique quilts. I enjoyed the show, it was a much needed, relaxing break! As I was walking around the vendor section, I saw a quilt hanging at the back of the booth and fell in love with it. I went into the booth for a closer look, found the pattern and kits for the quilt and realized...I bought this quilt kit a few years ago! The kit is now out on my sewing table, I guess it's time to make it!
And I've been sewing. After returning home from the Philadelphia airport where I picked up a friend of my daughter, I grabbed something to eat and headed up to the sewing room. I wanted to quilt on the longarm, but thunderstorms were rolling through so I left it unplugged.
I wish I could get a picture of the blocks that shows the colors better...that light blue isn't nearly as bright as it looks!
I have a nice list of blocks to make for this quilt...thank you for all of your suggestions! I've decided to make almost all of the blocks that you have said were your favorites. You have all contributed to this quilt and it makes it that much more special to me. I'll need a lot of blocks, so keep sending the names of YOUR favorite blocks...there's plenty of room!